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De Opmars van Youtube // The Rise of YouTube

De Opmars van YouTube // The Rise of YouTube - july 2016 - HKU Graduation Documentaire - Producer


A documentaire project about the rise of YouTube and the possible ending of the television era. What do youtubers and television makers think of this situation. 


The CineCrowd had ended succesfully and we finished the film. The premiere will be held in october / november this year.


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Year of production: 2016. Running Time: 42 min


Produced by Charlotte Spronk

Regisseur: Jochem Gunster

D.O.P.: Oscar Westrup

Camera 2: Adriaan Schuitemaker

Set-geluid: Sjoerd Kats

Editor: Thijs Rigterink

Colorist: Goos van den Berg

Sound-designer: Sjoerd Kats
Sound-designer: Barry van der Knaap
Mixage: Mark van Mameren
Componist: Matties Grooten

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